The media industry welcomes the official registration of the recently-updated South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level five and six occupational journalist certificate. The panel of experts involved in the qualification will tell you that all those years of development are finally bearing some fruit.
This news comes at a time when South Africa’s Fibre Processing and Manufacturing or FP&M Seta has partnered with industry body, the South African Editors Forum (Sanef), to produce a set of assessment instruments and learning materials to be used as a national benchmark.
In July last year, Sanef sent out a call for qualified partners to collaborate in the creation of the above mentioned elements for the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Certificate in the Journalism Level five and six occupational qualification qualify assured by FP&M Seta. After a successful bid, frayintermedia is proud to have been selected as a suitable service provider.
The new occupational certificate addresses the current skills needs for a digital-first newsroom environment
while in-keeping with the fundamentals of journalism. The qualification structure is made up of the three main levels of competence which include: knowledge, practice and workplace modules.
The year 2018 promises to be a busy year for the industry, as Sanef seeks and encourages the participation of media experts in this phase of their journalism qualification.
There will be a number of media stakeholder engagements in the form of workshops, roadshows and meetings. All senior editors of media houses operating in at least two media platforms are urged to participate as much as possible in this process for the benefit of the future journalist and the protection of media freedom.
For more information contact: Prudence Tlhale, email:, +27(0)11 8880140.