More than 60 community media journalists have enrolled for an online course sponsored by the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) that will assist their understanding of the Press Code.
The Press Code e-learning course was developed to create an understanding of the Code of ethics and conduct for South African print and online media and is recommended by the Press Council.
The course consists of ten modules, eight of which are based on specific sections of the updated code of ethics, followed by an assignment and exam. The content combines multimedia clips, case studies and quiz questions to provide comprehensive knowledge on the practical application of the code. The learning is self-paced but must be completed within two months.
The MDDA provided funding for 100 community media journalists from independently owned publications to sign up for the Press Code e-learning course offered by frayintermedia in October 2016.
Since then just over 60% have signed up with positive feedback. Learner Makulana Phora from Moutse Community Radio said “Knowing the ethics is very important for journalists to avoid getting sued or causing problems that can lead to your publication’s closure.”
The MDDA office has received good feedback on the ease and usefulness of the course.
“This is very encouraging for us, it shows that our efforts do not fall on infertile soil, we hope that community media journalists will continue to take advantage of these types of intervention programmes and improve the level of professionalism and quality of content produced in the sector” - Khanyisa Mahlawule, MDDA’s Project Officer - Research, Training & Development
The course is still open for registration. Community media journalists can claim a space by signing up here
Click here for more information
For further info contact Amukelani Ngobeni on:
+27 118880140/4060